Comment history with schizo
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 comments
Alrighty, I have both of you guys commenting me about the issue. Let's try and meet in the middle here. While I know you're just trying to be positive and such with your comments, some people are obviously annoyed that you say pretty much the same thing about every layout. Maybe try picking out something particular about the layout that you like or dislike and comment on that. I personally am not bothered by it, but to avoid any other problems with other people, I advise that you do that in the future. I told Matt to just let it go next time, so let's all just smoke some peace pipe and move on.
Hey Gabi, apparently your friend, "decode" doesn't know how to take criticism or appreciation properly. Hopefully as a mod, you will be able to calm him down. ;)
You should try it once. Live a little.
...But if you get kicked in the shins, I'm terribly sorry.
I could probably let that work for me, since I don't have a job, I don't know if I have the courage to just be like, wanna go to starbucks? By the way, it's on you! ^_^
It's not like I'm threatening them with sharp objects.
My conscience is clear. :)
I can't afford to go all the time, there's one like less than 5 minutes walking from my APT. ^_^ I consider it a treat to myself if I do go I get a white mocha latte.
I wish it was...I'm addicted to their iced caramel macchiatos. My Starbucks visits have progressed from once to three times a week because of them. XD
Anytime in the comments for layouts I always thought you were holding a starbucks cup.. Turns out I was wrong. Nice picture though ^_^